Tuesday, May 13, 2008


Well I got my call from the surgeon's office this a.m. and I have my last appt. with him on June 5th, I have to pay for everything then, ugghhh BUT at least it is only 575.00 instead of 17,000.00 if I was self pay! Then I go to pre-admission get that started, then start my 2 week liquid diet and looks like I will have surgery on either June 20th or June 27th, whichever I can get. I asked for a Friday surgery so I can recoop over the weekend and go back to work on Monday.... It will be so nice to get this part out of the way and I can start working on the new me.

I will have Heather take a before shot of me (which will be awful, but I have to bite the bullet and do it!) and start a scrapbook of the whole entire process. Heather warned me there will be a camera used on my surgery date... so don't laugh when you see those photos! LOL

Can anyone tell I am so excited?!?!?!?!?!?

1 comment:

Ren said...

YEAH!!!! I am so excited for you.