Thursday, June 5, 2008

Surgery Date!!!!

My surgery is on June 18th! They are having me modify my liquid diet a little so I can do it this soon! So I start drinking my meals tomorrow a.m.... YEAH for me! NOT All I have to do is remember it is for a good cause, swallow and smile! Hope it goes that well in the real world and not the world inside my little head!

I am excited. Surgery will last about 1-1/2 hours, recovery 1 1/2 to 2 hours and then back to room for about an hour and I am gone... So that is pretty sweet.

I did my pre-admission test today to get it out of the way.. took my blood, BP, lots of questions and that is it! Piece of cake.. Oh I said CAKE..... this is going to prove my willpower! Please pray for me!


The Cox Family said...

Hoorah for you! Good luck with the liquid diet. You are a strong Vote woman -- you can do this! I'll be in Michigan for work on the 18th, but will be thinking of you and will touch base with you on the 20th when I'm back home. Let me know if you need anything.

Ren said...

I'm excited for you...keeping you in my prayers.