Thursday, January 10, 2008

Moving Day....

Well, we are finally moved. It was not at bad as I anticipated. I rented a U-haul and basically loaded it by myself. A friend from work came over with her son and we loaded a couple really heavy pieces and then took a truck load of wood over to the new place. YES, we have a wood stove and I love the smell of wood burning but not the mess it makes!

The next morning I had my parents, my nephew and his girlfriend come and help us unload the truck and then go for one last (smaller) load. Then I took the week off to get the old place cleaned, and then new place organized. I can say we are getting very close to not seeing anymore cardboard boxes! Yeah.....

This place is probably the same size as the trailer, maybe alittle bigger but the closet space is smaller as are the bedrooms. But I absolutely love the big kitchen. It is awesome!

So this coming weekend, will be a weekend to try and finalize all the boxes and get everything in its place.... Heather did you hear that! ;-)))))

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

glad it's all over and you are getting settled.