Thursday, January 31, 2008

Will it or Won't it??????????????

Just sitting here watching the snow start up again here in Springfield. Wondering if we are going to get our Winter Wonderland today? I love the snow, especially if I can be home enjoying it!

I want to get some good snow pictures this time because our snow storms aren't like they were when I was growing up. We use to get a good snowfall atleast once a month. Now it seems that this "global warming is messing with us!"

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Hump Day!

Well it is Wednesday and I have nothing to report! It is cold outside and expecting snowy day tomorrow. I wish I could be home to enjoy it with a nice cup of hot chocolate, warm fire in the stove, and a good book. But oh well!!!!

Thursday, January 24, 2008

45th Anniversary

John and Bonnie Vote
Gina (sister), Dad, Mother, ME, and Lisa (sister)
(My brother John is missing)
Kristen, Rachel, Grandpa, Heather, Grandma, Lacy, Derrick and Logan
(3 are missing/Brian in Germany, McKenna in New York and Angel in New Mexico)

Great-granddaughter's Constance and Ivy Singell

My parents 45th anniversary is actually tomorrow, but Heather and I hosted an anniversary party for them this last Sunday afternoon. It was suppose to be a surprise but they figured it out beforehand. Oh well, we had a great turnout and had alot of fun. Here are a few pics of the party.

45th Anniversary

Not much happening

Not alot happening in my life right now. Just work, home, sleep and then start all over again the next day.

I haven't heard anything back on the Highway Patrol testing, but was told not to expect anything until first of February.

Started a new Bible study with a great group of ladies from church. It is a Beth Moore study which we all love. We did a different one this last fall and it just wasn't what we needed. It was more for a young woman in Christ.

I have a few new pics to post of the girls...... LOL

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

MO Highway Patrol

I went to Jefferson City to test for the communications division of the Missouri Highway Patrol. The position is with Troop D that is here in Springfield, MO. I did well on the testing process yesterday and now have to wait to hear if I am going to be called in for an actual interview.

I have always wanted to work with the 911 operators/Highway patrol. I have a good medical background and also first responder experience and the thought of helping someone when they are in need of help really appeals to me.

My retirement with the state and all my benefits will just carry over to their organization so that is a great plus, and the pay increase is really good. Makes it worth the move. Only part I don't care for is I will have to do 4 weeks of intense training in Jefferson City, BUT I get to stay at the Police Academy with all the recruits... LOL ;-))))

So wish me luck!

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Moving Day....

Well, we are finally moved. It was not at bad as I anticipated. I rented a U-haul and basically loaded it by myself. A friend from work came over with her son and we loaded a couple really heavy pieces and then took a truck load of wood over to the new place. YES, we have a wood stove and I love the smell of wood burning but not the mess it makes!

The next morning I had my parents, my nephew and his girlfriend come and help us unload the truck and then go for one last (smaller) load. Then I took the week off to get the old place cleaned, and then new place organized. I can say we are getting very close to not seeing anymore cardboard boxes! Yeah.....

This place is probably the same size as the trailer, maybe alittle bigger but the closet space is smaller as are the bedrooms. But I absolutely love the big kitchen. It is awesome!

So this coming weekend, will be a weekend to try and finalize all the boxes and get everything in its place.... Heather did you hear that! ;-)))))

Tuesday, January 8, 2008